"So, get this: David and I are expecting twins this fall. We're super excited/nervous/thrilled."
The above is a quote from one of two expectant fathers about their double whammy bundles of joy expected to land on their laps soon. The whole story can be read here
These two long term same sex partners are apparently talking about twins being carried on their behalf by a surrogate mother.
Well, in a world where everything is Hollywood picture perfect and all kinds of deviant behaviors like drug addiction, extreme sexuality, DUIs, repeated domestic assaults and of course outlandish sexual orientation are acceptable, one can only offer their hearty congratulations to an up and coming alternate family lifestyle.
But the world is not all Hollywood. Like most of the movies made by the celebrities, Hollywood lifestyle is mostly virtual and all showpiece. The real world is far more complex and demanding than the most dramatic Hollywood movie. Raising a child in the real world is not some reality show where actors hide and seek between rigged movie props. This is why there has to be answers to some very cogent questions.
To begin with, it should be recognized that ours is a very complicated universe. A slight change in the pH level of the blood for example can make all the difference between life and death for any individual. If the earth deviates one inch from its orbit, the end result can be very disastrous. Humans as a race have from the very beginning conspired according to the Bible The Bible for Dummies to add layers of abstraction to the already existing complexity just so to spite their creator. For the average human being, keeping it simple (The KISS Principle) just does not apply. If it is not complicated, it cannot or should not be broached.
So question one is, who really donated the sperms that is going to be the expected twins? If it is the expectant fathers, then perhaps questions of bonding Bonding: Building The Foundations Of Secure Attachment And Independence and relating is partly solved. The other unsolved parts will be how to truly raise a new baby without making them live a lie all their life. How do you teach a child to understand the dynamics of what the kind of relationship in which they grow up in is about? What do you expect such children to learn from a society that is already stratified beyond reasonable limits? How do you justify imposing your personal beliefs on totally fertile minds without being guilty of indoctrination - i.e not forgetting that the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world?
If, on the other hand, the expected twins are the products of an anonymous sperm donor, then it will seem that a very complex layer of abstraction has been introduced into the equation. I can only let anyone reading this to let their imagination run wild as to what the ramifications of this can be.
Assuming question one has a positive answer, question two will be how do two men raise two recently born kids without running afoul of several natural laws? The American Paediatrics Society believes breast feeding an infant for a certain length of time is the best method for raising a healthy baby. Suppose one or both babies refuse to be bottle fed, which one of the two fathers is going to breast feed them and how? The Nursing Mother's Companion: Revised Edition
In a thriving traditional family, the mother plays a very important role - that of acting the glue that bonds all aspects of the pieces. She is like Sponge Bob square pants absorbing all the pains, yet giving all the love. The mother is the good cop, whose duty it is to shield the kids from heavy handedness of a loving but very stern father. Mothers bond to fathers through daily interactions while babies growing up become one with their mother through caring and feeding. Babies that grow up under such benign and properly orchestrated circumstances are the ones that go on to excel in society.
So, it does not matter what the intentions of a two father family is, it is obvious that the growing kids are being denied a certain part of their birth right. The right to excel and become productive members of society.
What all this boils down to is that a segment of society that is first to shout out aloud 'intolerance' or 'homophobia' in the face of any member of the rest of society which seem to criticize their peculiarity, seem to have set out to hamper the natural development process of two new members of society without their tacit approval - they're too young to give it.
Two men raising a pair of twins may be an experiment, but eventually, it cannot turn out to be a good experiment, because it was not meant to benefit anyone else but the selfish and egocentric beliefs of its perpetrators. Selfishness and egocentricity of course is the root cause of most of the destructive wars on our planet. As an outsider looking in, I personally think aligning ones life on the basis of sexual orientation is absolutely not a way of life that an advanced civilization will want to live. Rather the reduction or control of sexuality that will lead to management of population growth and total elimination of all the vices that emanate from our sexiness would be priority number one.
In effect, going where no man has gone before is a good idea until we start encountering what no man has encountered before. Of course, it will be awesome if like Captain Kirk's USS Enterprise, we can go back to sleep after watching a particularly gripping episode, except unfortunately, it is not.